Daddy daddy please.

I was a little girl. Happily playing with my toys. Till the day daddy didn't come back home. I cried daddy daddy please, please don't leave me. I said mama mama please. Bring daddy back to me. But mama didn't cry. She looks me in the eyes. So mama mama please. I begging you please please please. Daddy daddy please. Daddy please don't leave. Daddy please come back to me.

I was a little girl. Happily playing with my toys.

April, 1991


  1. i was a little boy happy wif my family.
    until they split up without telling me.
    i raise as a kid & a mum & a daddy to my siblings when mum busy working and dad's don't care bout his child.
    i was a little boy happy wif my siblings when my parent re-married & i got beaten,cursed everyday by my steps.
    i was a happy brother happy wif my sibling when my beloved little brother die in a bike accident while i was smoking pot happily wif my friend.
    i was a happy junkie student when i get dismissed from college cause of bad result.
    i was a hppy human being when i know Our Lord always forgive His creatures.
    I was Happy when i foubd you,& still happy now.

    'when everything else fail,turn the other side'

    p/s : delete this if u find it annoying @ irritating
